Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

La dolce vita ala Miss Mocca

Summer time is not yet come and the living ain’t that silky smooth sassy. Your daddy ain’t the “Mr. You’re fired” called Donald Trump and your mama is no Victoria’s Secret earthly angel named Heidi Klum. But who says you can’t have a beautiful wonderful delightful magnificent life? This is our life ... so we are fully permitted to set our own rules! No need to be a Hilton or get in Kardashian clan to have a fabulous life (altho’ it’s damned nice to obtain their 1/3 bank account ;) Here are my version of la dolce vita:

1. Durian + ketan

It was my dear grandmother who introduced me to this deadlicious duet and I forever feel grateful to her. This is like the closest feeling of heaven on earth. Okay that’s a little bit “lebay” but once you feel their sensation, you’ll know what I mean.

2. Starbucks hot mochacino

Coffee never fail to boost my mood! Special when your credit card offer a “buy one get one” program on “tanggal tua”. Superb!!

3. Laid back weekend with a stack of new DVDs

No deadlines. No overtime on weekend. No one home. No problemo. Push play and jump away from scene to scene. Pause for a steamy action.

4. Four hours karaoke with your girlfriends

Sing your heart out! Hit that high notes! This is not the time and place to be “jaim’, let out your inner Beyonce even it’s a little bit pitchy. But who cares…Simon won’t be there to judge your performance.

5. 90 minutes body massage at Bersih Sehat

Yes, we’re Sagittarians... So we are massage junkie. Ask for lavender or peppermint aromatherapy to boost the level of relaxation. Heaven on earth.

6. Free lunch in the middle of the month aka “tanggal tua”

The best things in life are free and the best of it all if it happened when you almost broke. When “warteg” is your only choice for lunch then it’s your friend birthday and he/she treats you lunch at Sushi Tei, Plaza Senayan. Life is so god-damn beautiful!

7. Green tea ice cream

Trully a pure pleasure. Maca ice cream it’s not gonna put an extra pound to your hip right? Green tea is healthy, right? So it’s okay to order another cup, right? Am I right?

8. Shopping spree at Melawai Plaza

Zara’s inspired dress for only Rp 150.000. Legging “injek” for Rp 35.000. Gap look-alike cardigan around Rp 80.000. Stop by at Kari Umbi for delightful ”kue-kue cantik” and siomay! You can even shop here on “tanggal tua”. Ain’t life grand?

2 komentar:

  1. nice....

    jadi pengen ketan duren... hihih..
    biasanya cuma ada di acara keluarga... ;P

  2. @fanfan latulipe: ketan duren emang edan yah :)
