Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Let’s tune in! – Miss Mocca is in da house

Music is my morning mood’s saviour. I’m not a sun-shinny person in the morning but with the right tunes (and the right amount of caffeine) I become sunnier than little miss sunshine.

I’m slightly a music whore, never stick to one genre. I sing along to every song that caught in my ear and stuck in my head. Sometimes a song gives you chill, sometimes it’s like a pill that you need to take on everyday, over and over again. Stunned with the lyrics as if it was the story of your life.
Tune in for more beats that always play on my mind

1. Jagged Little Pill – Alanis Morissette
She got my heart in her pocket and I don’t think it’s ironic. Broken heart sometimes push your creative limit beyond your expectations. Almost every lyrics of her song in this album screamed like a wounded eagle. To all heartbroken, play “You oughta know” while burning your ex’s photo. Your aura will be healed ;)

2. Marvin’ the Album – Frente!
Aww…aww…aww…awesome! This album is like the definition of walking on sunshine. Every tunes lift your mood to a brighter level. “Accidently Kelly Street” and a bowl of “bubur kacang ijo” will do wonders to your manic Mondays.

3. OST 3 Hari untuk Selamanya – Float
Do you remember that family road trip to Puncak, back when you were young and innocent. Sitting at the back of your daddy’s car, looking at “pohon cemara” while singing “Naik-naik ke Puncak Gunung” and eating “jagung bakar?” That’s exactly how I feel about this album. Every melodies take you somewhere, walking down to memory lane. My favorites are definitely “Pulang” and “Sementara”. (Note: Stay away from sharp objects while listening to “Sementara”. Sip that hot cocoa instead and hold your pillow tight).

4. Centralismo – Sore

I’m a laid-back person who enjoy nothing but “leyeh-leyeh” and “ngopi-ngopi”. And this super cool band named Sore put a tune into it. Their music, just like their name, so soothe and comforting. Grouchy morning, hectic day...then come Sore to the rescue. A cup of hot pepermint tea never taste so delightful with the accompany “No Fruits for Today”.

5. The Boy Who Knew Too Much – Mika
Cotton candy, giant lollipop, strawberry milkshake, fluffy pinky stuffs, rainbow and all the technicolor things. That’s what I “see” whenever I listen to this wonder boy of Mika. Trapped in endless deadline? Friday night’s overtime? Bottleneck traffic? Try a tune or two…wonderland that you’ll be…eating cotton candy on mary-go-round. “No giving up when you’re young and you want some!”

6. OST Glee
As a fan of musical movies, of course I’ve got to have one of the soundtrack on my list! Glee is on the top my mind right now cause I constantly put it on my playlist. You know the songs already so it’s easy to sing along. Sometimes I enjoy the cover version better than the original one. Rihanna should bow to Rachel Berry for her whole-hearted’s rendition of “Take a Bow”.

7. Absolution – Muse

I rock sometimes, although not too loud. Muse comes with the right dose. I find out the best time listening to this hard-rocking brit is during cardio sessions. “Time is running out” the best anthem to make all that calories running away!

8. Alright, Still - Lily Allen

Dear oh dear, if you want to cursed in most sweet-sarcastic-polite-melodious way…learn from miss Allen. You’ll learn how to handle those girls who dress like a cunt at the club on “Friday Night”, “Smile” to your ex’s bad luck, eating those spaghetti bolognese and stil looks like Kate Moss and “Everything’s Just Wonderful”. Allright, Lily!!

9. Kamar Gelap - Efek Rumah Kaca

If you sick with those "alay" band with their melancholy-cheesy-"menye2" songs, this band of three it's the right choice. They sing about things you don't really care but you enjoy it anyway. They don't make a lot of love songs but I'm falling deeply in love with their simple-yet-provoking lyrics.

Play It Again, Sam! - by Mr. Frapu

I always believe in this tested-and-true formula: Good times = good friends + good food + good music.
Best buddy. Check.
Foodie. Well-stocked.

Then if you lack the latter or ain’t got no clue to play your selection from illegally download of tunes du jour... Please note: handpick and select great movie soundtrack instead! (Add two non movie titles for pumping up the scene)
Because badly mix melody can ruin the whole event! Please ... don’t depend entirely on your iPod Genius Mix either. Don’t mind to share my “fascinating rhythm” list for a fun-filled soire...

1. 2046 Soundtrack

Shigeru Umebayashi Rumba Version of 2046 main theme impress, seduce and always give a heartfelt, superb enjoyment. Thanks to Wong Kar Wai, he also opens the door for me to appreciate and embrace Xavier Cugat repertoire. Siboney, Sway and Xmas Song are forever treasures in the CD! This is one of those soundtrack albums that can comfortably stand on its own feet. A talented mixture of ethereal, dramatic and nostalgic music. (PS: Too bad, what a shame....a local movie titled “Berbagi Suami” was totally inspired by the whole contents and its soundtrack yielded same tone and manner sound).

2. Kissing Jessica Stein Soundtrack

Immaculately flawless and demurely laid back are the essence of this urbanely jazz selection. In fact, this is the premiere CD that I obliged to get a long-lustful affair with Verve Jazz Diva namely Sarah Vaughn, Billie Holiday, Dinah Washington, Blossom Dearie, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Anita O Day, Carmen Mc Rae, Shirley Horn and the contemporary muse, Diana Krall. (PS: A lime + minty mojito would be a perfect match...guaranteed)

3. Women on Top Soundtrack

I thank this CD as it re-introduces me to fall (deeply) in love with Bossanova. I also now include Portuguese as one of the sexy language ... Pleasant sound, easy listening and this is the kind of music you’d play for relaxing or romantic evening. (PS: Don’t forget spicy salsa and tapas assortment, fajitas…anyone? Plus a big jug of frozen margarita)

4. What Women Want Soundtrack

An interesting mix of old and new compilation, emphasizing on big band swing era. Three cuts from Frank Sinatra (arranged and conducted by Nelson Riddle) and entries from Sammy Davis Jr., Nancy Wilson, and Tony Bennett sew up the soulful crooning of the velvet age. Lou Rawls and the Temptations replace their modern soul grooves with lush orchestrations. Skip track 5 and 10 and it just perfectly fit the mood. Classy! (PS: A sinful smoked ham, mushroom, onion omellete + crunchy french fries + mouth-watering sausage + potato salad came to mind whilst I listen the CD... A mis-match or ideal combo? Don’t care)

5. Hollywood, Mon Amour

Famous 80’s movie songs reinvented and rearranged by Marc Collins of Nouvelle Vague. Perfect for hang over or Sunday late lazy brunch – the track revisits a genre, a period, retaining only the basic skeleton (melody and lyrics) to demonstrate that by arranging them differently they can take on a new life while still respecting the original. This is not history revisited but a part of musical history rewritten. The guest vocalists gently transport us to the retro 80’s and present the sultry cum silky version of A View to a Kill / Call Me / Footloose / What a Feeling / When Doves Cry / Eye of the Tiger / Together in Electric Dreams and many 80’s smash hits. (PS : Pancake, waffle, maple syrup, blueberry sauce, organic honey, hash brown, caesar salad, lightly toasted full grain wheat bread + bitter marmalade, no sugar orange juice, verbena tea, coffee au lait, ice Milo, Horlicks .... are compulsory)

6. Big Band Bossa Nova by Quincy Jones

Another fabulous feel good nostalgia recording that makes you want to throw a cocktail party! It’s just like a time travel escapade to the suburban set and penthouse parties circa ultra chic 50’s and 60’s in Manhattan whilst Rock Hudson, Julie London, Doris Day, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, Kirk Douglas, Grace Kelly, Shirley MacLaine and Audrey Hepburn were the guest of honors. Soul Bossa Nova takes a special position mostly because it has been used in so many occasion and played in the coolest venue, the trendiest Lounge bars and most conservative country clubs! A must have collection. (PS: It’s cocktail party time! Shaken. Stirred. Sip the martini and let’s dance)

7. Verve Remixed part 1-4

Verve Remixed has been in the planning stages for years, with in-house producers inviting an international cast of remix artists and dee jays to select songs from the label's vaults. The results are tremendously successful and emerged the new breed called electro, chill, or nu jazz. True gem. Highly recommended for dinner parties, evening high tea, pre club warm up or simply watch the sun sets from the beach house veranda. Sexy and hip. Pretty impossible to put down. (PS: Inter-continental canape and cold cuts, bubbly champagne and ice rose wine are necessary)

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

The 5 books in the life of Miss Mocca

They say books are the windows of the world. To escape from my real life I choose novel or fiction to peek and enter the realm of fantasy and innocently indulge in a make-believe characters and stories. There are pages, words, plots, that stay longer on my mind cos it’s so damn superb mind blowing. Not that it changed my life 180 degrees, but it gave me new perspective, new hope, justification or sometimes tickled my writer’s instinct.

No need to read between the lines, here are my list of 5 memorable books in alphabetical order:

1. Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

I read this last year on my trip to Bangkok and Hanoi. When I told my dad I’m going to have that trip he was kinda against it. Furthermore, daddy commented that traveling was such a waste of money and time. Then come this book. It was like my validation for taking this trip on the first place. We are entitled to getaway, seeing new things, new world, learning new stuffs, get out of our comfort zone. If it makes us happy, do it!

2. Harry Potter book 1 by JK Rowling

“Alohomara!” “Wingardium laviosa!” “Reparo!” I gasped on every pages of Harry Potter’s first series. Who is this JK Rowling? How did she come up with all the names, the spells, quiddicth cup and so forth. I didn’t know imagination could go that wild. I never thought witches and wizardy world is spellboundly amusing. Ah! Wish we had sorting hat and Dumbledore on this muggle world.

3. Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata

“Saat itu aku menyadari bahwa kami sesungguhnya adalah perkumpulan persaudaraan cahaya dan api... Kami adalah lapisan-lapisan pelangi terindah yang pernah diciptakan Tuhan.” I have never felt so much in love with Bahasa Indonesia when I red this moving childhood tale of Andrea Hirata. He describes things, people, situation with a bit of exaggeration but it’s still sound poetic to me. After all, he’s a melayu man, they tend to do that. Remember pantun?

4. The Pelican Brief by John Grisham

This is the first novel I successfully read for the first time! I remember how my sister so caught up reading novel and I couldn’t understand why. It’s just story about romantic, menye-menye things that I was too young to dig it. Then one day, she brought Mr. Grisham home. I knew this one was different just by the look of the cover (it the same as the movie poster). And I was right! For the first time I learn chasing “scene” on books turn out to be much much more interesting in words than in visual (have you seen the movie? Despite Denzel’s performance, it was just “eh!”)

5. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
“Aku tidak ingin meninggalkan dunia ini dalam cengkeraman rasa takut. Aku ingin mengetahui semua yang terjadi, menerimanya, merasakan kedamaian, baru pergi.”
A beautiful beautiful story of life. The fact that it’s a true story making it so even more heart-warming. How come someone so ill could maintain his optimism? Not blaming god, not becoming a grumpy old person. As far I remember, this must be the first book that made me shed a tear. And yes, I read the Indonesia version.

The Book that I lovingly cherish... by Mr. Frapu

To inspire and be inspired ... book never goes wrong!

Whenever the mind needs some thoughtful recharge, book would be the ideal “Energizer”.
Whenever I read a good book, it feels like receiving a long letter from an old friend. Whenever the constant rush and due date task intimidates my view point of life... books are the relief that magically counteracts.

I salute the titles below ‘cos they give me a true enlightment.

1. Being Happy - Andrew Matthews

This book is amazing, it about understands yourself, being able to laugh at yourself, becoming more prosperous and being able to forgive yourself. It also discusses understanding nature’s laws so we can better deal with our own natures. What I like in the book as well as the information is the comics in the book, they are entertaining and very humorous.

2. Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

What makes this true story special is Morrie Scwartz - one-of-a-kind professor- manages to teach us all about living robustly and fully even on his deathbed.
It does not have to be a teacher, dean or professor, a mentor in life can be anybody… a friend, a co-worker, a stranger, perhaps. Treasure and cherish your mentor in life.

3. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist presents a simple fable, based on simple truths and places it in a highly unique situation. It is certainly not a new one: even the ancient tribal storytellers knew that this is the most successful method of entertaining an audience while slipping in a lesson or two.
Brazilian storyteller Paulo Coelho introduces Santiago, an Andalusia shepherd boy who one night dreams of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. And so he's off: leaving Spain to literally follow his dream.
Along the way he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. The story has the comic charm, dramatic tension and psychological intensity of a fairy tale, but it's full of specific wisdom as well, about becoming self-empowered, overcoming depression, and believing in dreams. The cumulative effect is like hearing a wonderful bedtime story from an inspirational psychiatrist!

4. Letters to Sam - Daniel Gottlieb

When his grandson was born, Daniel Gottlieb began to write a series of heartfelt letters that he hoped Sam would read later in life. He planned to cover all the important topics—dealing with your parents, handling bullies, falling in love, coping with death—and what motivated him was the fear that he might not live long enough to see Sam reach adulthood. You see, Daniel Gottlieb is a quadriplegic—the result of a near-fatal automobile accident that occurred two decades ago—and he knows enough not to take anything for granted.
Then, when Sam was only 14 months old, he was diagnosed with Pervasive Develop-mental Disability, a form of autism, and suddenly everything changed. Now the grandfather and grandson were bound by something more: a disability—and Daniel Gottlieb’s special understanding of what that means became invaluable.
This lovingly written, emotionally gripping book offers unique—and universal—insights into what it means to be human. Upon reading his personal letter to Sam.. I wish I could have a “Pop” like Daniel. His paralysis taught him to sit still, keep his ears and heart open and listen…

5. Warrior of Light - Paulo Coelho

A manual of “how-to-cope” modern life with tales and parables that have a specific spiritual source-Lao Tzu, Gandhi, Jesus and Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, among others. Some of these passages are original, Coelho provides general spiritual inspiration, but he also offers guidance in more mundane matters, explaining the specific motivations behind childish, immature behavior, cowardly moments, feelings of spiritual emptiness and the reluctance to change.