Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Let’s tune in! – Miss Mocca is in da house

Music is my morning mood’s saviour. I’m not a sun-shinny person in the morning but with the right tunes (and the right amount of caffeine) I become sunnier than little miss sunshine.

I’m slightly a music whore, never stick to one genre. I sing along to every song that caught in my ear and stuck in my head. Sometimes a song gives you chill, sometimes it’s like a pill that you need to take on everyday, over and over again. Stunned with the lyrics as if it was the story of your life.
Tune in for more beats that always play on my mind

1. Jagged Little Pill – Alanis Morissette
She got my heart in her pocket and I don’t think it’s ironic. Broken heart sometimes push your creative limit beyond your expectations. Almost every lyrics of her song in this album screamed like a wounded eagle. To all heartbroken, play “You oughta know” while burning your ex’s photo. Your aura will be healed ;)

2. Marvin’ the Album – Frente!
Aww…aww…aww…awesome! This album is like the definition of walking on sunshine. Every tunes lift your mood to a brighter level. “Accidently Kelly Street” and a bowl of “bubur kacang ijo” will do wonders to your manic Mondays.

3. OST 3 Hari untuk Selamanya – Float
Do you remember that family road trip to Puncak, back when you were young and innocent. Sitting at the back of your daddy’s car, looking at “pohon cemara” while singing “Naik-naik ke Puncak Gunung” and eating “jagung bakar?” That’s exactly how I feel about this album. Every melodies take you somewhere, walking down to memory lane. My favorites are definitely “Pulang” and “Sementara”. (Note: Stay away from sharp objects while listening to “Sementara”. Sip that hot cocoa instead and hold your pillow tight).

4. Centralismo – Sore

I’m a laid-back person who enjoy nothing but “leyeh-leyeh” and “ngopi-ngopi”. And this super cool band named Sore put a tune into it. Their music, just like their name, so soothe and comforting. Grouchy morning, hectic day...then come Sore to the rescue. A cup of hot pepermint tea never taste so delightful with the accompany “No Fruits for Today”.

5. The Boy Who Knew Too Much – Mika
Cotton candy, giant lollipop, strawberry milkshake, fluffy pinky stuffs, rainbow and all the technicolor things. That’s what I “see” whenever I listen to this wonder boy of Mika. Trapped in endless deadline? Friday night’s overtime? Bottleneck traffic? Try a tune or two…wonderland that you’ll be…eating cotton candy on mary-go-round. “No giving up when you’re young and you want some!”

6. OST Glee
As a fan of musical movies, of course I’ve got to have one of the soundtrack on my list! Glee is on the top my mind right now cause I constantly put it on my playlist. You know the songs already so it’s easy to sing along. Sometimes I enjoy the cover version better than the original one. Rihanna should bow to Rachel Berry for her whole-hearted’s rendition of “Take a Bow”.

7. Absolution – Muse

I rock sometimes, although not too loud. Muse comes with the right dose. I find out the best time listening to this hard-rocking brit is during cardio sessions. “Time is running out” the best anthem to make all that calories running away!

8. Alright, Still - Lily Allen

Dear oh dear, if you want to cursed in most sweet-sarcastic-polite-melodious way…learn from miss Allen. You’ll learn how to handle those girls who dress like a cunt at the club on “Friday Night”, “Smile” to your ex’s bad luck, eating those spaghetti bolognese and stil looks like Kate Moss and “Everything’s Just Wonderful”. Allright, Lily!!

9. Kamar Gelap - Efek Rumah Kaca

If you sick with those "alay" band with their melancholy-cheesy-"menye2" songs, this band of three it's the right choice. They sing about things you don't really care but you enjoy it anyway. They don't make a lot of love songs but I'm falling deeply in love with their simple-yet-provoking lyrics.

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