Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

A Tale of Mismatch Personality

Once upon a couch-potato time. You are watching your fave sappy soapy opera or docu-over-the-top-real-life-drama on tv.What do you do when commercial break? Surfing the neighboring channel might be okay but please take the most of 5 minutes hiatus and be full alert to view what’s going on (Note : you gotta be open and release the knowledge in order to come to a higher understanding of reality).

Commercial reigns! May the infectious message they want to convey get into your state of mind. Countless product screaming in fashionably, creatively, out-of-the-box manner: “Notice Me”; I’m better than others”; “Using me and you’ll be drop dead georgeous”...begging and nagging your attention. Brand has a soul–so does the ambassador that becomes the spoke person for the good cause of that product she/he endorses.

Unfortunately, we sense and see a dismay distortion since observing the mismatch personality blends – between the brand and the ambassador - and keeps repeatedly over and over.

1. No offense to Sonia Wibisono – she’s a femme fatale, dress to kill and naturally born to defend the likes of Tatler and highly doses of socialite publication – not the generic, available-everywhere medicine, cheapo rice cooker – you name and count the product she fervently hard sells.

2. Queen of domestic kitchen, Farah Quinn; please slow your pace a while. Mom and housewife desperately want to look like you. Male watchers are keen and have sinful-delightful-indulgence watching your show. Try to carefully select the various product that being offered to you. Nough said before you are too soo overly-exposed.

3. Young at heart heroine Agnes Monica also rules the kingdom of commercial. Snack, biscuit, phone operator, liquid cleaner, washing detergent, cloth softener, handphone are well...her major concentration and yeahh... predictable boring. Make a dramatic move Agnezmo! Exchange and explore different option – anybody could suggest a better, distinct role for Ms.A?

4. Have you ever noticed, her famous, catchy-signature line “Good job, I like it” made newly-weds Rianti Cartwright utilizes the sentence for assorted products she signs on? C’mon brand director be a lil’ smart --- it’s a big yes for one, same person using it – repeating it – chanting it exclusively for your solely product only and not others.

5. Everybody loves Baim! The boy wonder who steal our heart away with his chubby cheek, reddish lips and that big cutey eyes. From one “sinetron” to countless commercials. At first it was okay, but when one cellular provider using him as an endorser (and slightly outshine their previous ambassador, Yuni Shara’s boy-toy) it becomes...eerrk! It’s a little bit desperate to me. Using child as the main talent for non-child product? Like Baim’s famous line of praying “Ya Allah...tolong brand kami biar kelihatan banyak duit, mampu bayar seleb mana aja yang lagi ngehits dan bikin provider lain ngiri ya, Allah”

6. The Diva of falling in-out of love, Titi DJ, is one of the lucky celebrities. Her numerous
romance with public figures not once shatterd her image. We all still love and adore her performance. Her vibrant personality can light up the room. You could have all night long girl’s talk over Margarita and chick-flick marathon. But not over washing clothes and talk about dirty laundry (in litteral meaning). I know she’s a mom of four but her image never been a “Bree Hodge” type of mom. She’s more like the “Gabrielle Solis”, well-polish and we didn’t care a bit how she did the laundry with that Jimmy Choo’s heels!

7. Former member of Club 80’s , Desta is a firecracker! Typical class-clown, always entertaining and burst the whole class with laughter. Even rolling on the floor, laughing of course. When one private bank contract him as it ambassador, we’re not laughing. Yet, we kinda question the bank’s credibility. Perhaps they want to portray “a friendly, young, casual image” but it went far too light and we end up not buying it. Come on Desta! You could sell us a bag of potato chips full of MSG but don’t preaching about saving and interest. That’s why we have Safir Senduk and Ligwina Hananto.