Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

People I Wish to Meet - Mr. Frapu version

Character and charisma are the essential quality that makes a great personality. It authorizes the men and women of substance. If only time machine were invented... I would save every cents and penny and travel back in time just to say big hi to them (Monsieur Polge and Helena are the exception as both still enjoy a healthy and productive life)

1. Ella Fitzgerald

The more I listen to her... the more I adore
and cherish “The First Lady of songs”. Personally, her tunes are my morning pick-me-up, my sanctuary, my note-worthy reminders of how to seize the day.
Moral pearl of wisdom : Greet each sunrise with joy and you will greet sunset with peace.

2. Ismail Marzuki

Mr. Romantic from Senen, Kwitang. Always produces simple lyric and melody yet becomes powerful repertoire and deserves to be a true masterpiece! Bang Mail era was filled with“gerakan perjuangan” for a nation in waiting a full independence and what does inspire him to become eternal romantic in that moment? (I keep wondering in awe).
Moral pearl of wisdom : Dalam setiap pergolakan ...ada keindahan di dalamnya.

3. Raden Saleh

Mingle and make friends with Sirs, Madam, Lord, Duke and so forth as his drawings become their favorite. Renowned gallery worldwide and palaces still keep his paintings. He’s indeed the local-made “global-socialita” person of the century.
If only pages of “Prestige” and “Tatler” were available at that time he eventually everywhere.
Moral pearl of wisdom : Every job is a self-portrait of those who did it. Autograph your work with quality.

4. Nat King Cole

Whether he sings in English, French or Spanish he delivers ‘em in smooth perfection! Initially, Ray Charles had some thought to copy his style. Luckily there’s only one king and he’s Nat Cole!
Moral pearl of wisdom : Be authentic. Be yourself.

5. Jacques Polge (Chanel Fragrance Nose)

No two fragrances are alike. It does not speak but gives the wearer so much. The sensitive, exquisite Chanel nose, Polge admits that creating the legendary smell is like a form of poetry. Somehow, melancholy memory of the past and childhood moment can bring a benefit aspect as well. The emotion is the past is alive again. What would reality be without its poetic dimension? (PS: Je dois pratiquer mon francais et je cherche quelqu’un qui me guide ....)
Moral pearl of wisdom : Breathe a new life to your idea.

6. Helena Bonham Carter

She’s not Great Britain or American sweetheart but her peculiar role preferences made me want to congratulate this one of a kind persona! It’s like expecting the unexpected. Totally inspiring!

Moral pearl of wisdom : Be different = high intention + sincere effort + skillful execution + intellegent direction.

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