Kamis, 29 April 2010

Things I Wish To Invent – by Professor Frapu

I ain’t no gadget freak but always marvel how invention and technology change the society and its civilization. It’s only a matter of time perhaps that these devices would be soon available and become the most wanted item in your list.

1. Time Machine
Take me everywhere ... whenever, whatever I want. Pause the good moment, skip the bad year and rewind the great times. Missin’ your puppy love? Set the date, month and year…boom! It takes you there! Wanna feel rich? Go to your annual bonus session. Feel like makin love… ehhmmmm ... up to your lust and fantasy, then.
For those moments you want to kick back, take a load off and find your own happy place...this stuff will help you find that space to chill.

2. Audio Video vending machine

Forget iTunes store! This audio video vending machine is available at the most convenient area, easily reachable and we instantly can buy our fave tunes or video – keep it in the iPod look-a-like stuff but if course it has billions gigabytes and crystal clear not-too-small screen.

3. Portable – Foldable Car
If you want something out of the ordinary, a bit different and a bit leftfield, this “gizmos” is for you. Imagine ... finding a parking spot in your fave mall during noon weekend is a hard job. Wouldn’t it be wonderful and marvelous creation if one day we could easily take our car ala Longchamp (fold and carry) bags :p

4. Cocktail in a sachet
You need a boost and no time to strike a bar ... thanks to cocktail in a sachet ... all your “tipsy-passport-to-trance-land” is available in a sachet!! Practical, economical and yessss the flavor is just exactly the same as the original bartender blend !!

5. Washing + Ironing Machine
It saves your time. A machine that can wash your clothes, drying it and yesss ironing it! Bye bye exhausting domestic chores!

Eureka! – Miss Mocca’s wish-it-was-real invention

A tech-savvy I may not be. Einstein’s brain I may not have. But fantasy…got that a lot! And here some my high-tech fantasies.

1. Digital camera with Bluetooth.
How many reunion, gathering or wedding you have attend this year? How many times you have to hold your pose cause your 50 friends bring their own camera and they all insist to have that “gather together pose”. At that time don’t you just wish your 12 MP, anti-shock, waterproof, 8x digital zoom camera has bluetooh?!

2. Digital camera with “efek kurus”
It’s a simple logic. The camera add 10 pounds and it makes sense if they have “slim mode”. We look plump, it’s their fault, they should pay the consequences! Note that Mr. Cannon!

3. Portkey
How come witches got all the cool gadget? They have flying broomstick, magic crystal ball, twinkling wand…and, in Harry Potter’s world, a portkey. By definition portkey is an object enchanted to bring anyone who touches it to a specific location. The object usually is an everday thing. Imagine how your shoes could literally takes places…miles away. Goshh…so bored being a muggle.

4. Affordable iPhone
I’m no mac-geek, but like the Snow White before me, I couldn’t resist this luscious apple. For some people paying Rp 7 mio for a mobile probably like having “bubur ayam” for breakfast. I found it ridiculous. Yet I still dream to own it someday in more reasonable price. Hey Steve, mind if you make second line iPhone with PC price?

5. Feet-friendly Stiletto
I’m more sneaker girl than high-heels diva. Plus I’ve got a long history of “keseleo” so stiletto kinda scared me. If only I could make stiletto with the comfort of Crocs or Converse I’ll work those 12cm heels! Watch out Beyonce!

6. Portable Starbucks Cappuccino machine
I know Starbucks people install their cappuccino’s machine on Tommy Lee’s lavish house. Why stop there? Celebrity is minority. You should broaden your target. Instead of installing make it portable! Sell it next to your adorable tumblers.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Jealousy Me – by Mr. Frapu

If only everyday life consist of rainbow, wine and roses ... I would definetely singing (out of tune) in the rain... I do count my blessings tho but am only human since I feel so damn jealous for ‘em.

1. JK Rowling
Every living person in this planet seem hypnotized and mesmerized by Harry Potter .... It’s so simple yet twisted plot yet it’s centuries-old formula : evil vs good ... plus borrow from the old myth and saga. I wish I could posses this “re-package the tales and retelling the stories” like a brand new stuff ... like she did.
(PS : True, there’s nothing new under the sun. All we have to do is “steal” from the past)

2. Amy Tan
Amy takes her readers in memory lane that intertwines with cultural clash, dream land, big hope, despair, lost love, lust, prophecy and it stirs the emotional commotion. (PS : Your past = your strength...well it could be)

3. James Bond
This fictional character has 9 lives, living in the ultra fast lane, got licence to kill, drive the ultimate driving machine and crash like it’s only cost a penny, posses the top notch gadget, wine and dine (and make love) in the most unlikely spot on earth...and always beat the mad men. Hoorah... the world becomes the safe place again!! (PS : Do you think it’s hard to be a real hero in real life??)

4. The Photographers & Journalist (specially Conde Nast Traveler)
They are paid to visit and report the cool places on earth, sip the new cuisine, cruise the Carribean, dive and say hello to the shark, dolphin and touch The Great barrier reef. Same wish as Ms. Mocca. Do you guys need an apprentice? Count me in!! (PS : If you do what you like ... you never really work. Your work = your play)

5. International athletes
Be it soccer, tennis, basket ball, golf, F1 driver. Young, sexy, good looking, healthy, wealthy, endorse a cool stuff. I don’t need to list more. (PS : ayo atlit Indonesia ... jadi brand ambassadornya Tag Heuer)

6. Brand Owner

We are living in the material world. We are defined by what we consume every day. Ironic isn’t it? If only I’d become the mad, rich, mean man to rule the world, I would asbsolutely hostile take over all the world’s coveted brands. Ha ha ha!!! (PS : Dress to kill... Dress to thrill...tapi kalo setiap kali cape juga kaleee)

You lucky bitch! By the envious Miss Mocca

Envy. We all committed to this one of deadly sin. The lucky bitches and bastards, the man who has everything. The people that has silver spoon since she was born (awas tersedak)…Why God why…life isn’t fair. Admit it. We all have a little “siti sirik” inside. Forgive me, reader, for I envy these people.

1. Giuliana Rancic
Glitsy-glamor career, come from nice-warm-affectionate Italian family, handsome hubby who happen to be one of Donald Trump’s apprentice. She and her hubby, Bill Rancic, make a great cosmopolitan couple. I’m not really envy her (yeah, right) I just wish to have Giuliana and Bill’s chemistry someday. With my other half who I hope to be the “KW 1” version of Bill Rancic.

2. Carla Bruni

How many girls who dream to be a supermodel and date bonafide rockstars? Too many to cout, I guess. But how many girls who got tired being a supermodel and date bonafide rockstars so she decide to go raising the bar by marrying a PRESIDENT! Only one, I bet. And that high-achiever girl is Carla Bruni. Tres bien, Madame president!

3. People who has good relationship with their fathers

I’m not really that close with my old man so I sometimes envy those lucky ones who bound really tight with their father. If you happen to be the lucky ones, this is one the blessing worth to count.

4. The ones who taken away all the best guys
Specially when they’re still young and fabolous! I’ve could named names but I decided it was a waste of time to write their names. Eww!

5. The musicians

I enjoy music. Me, myself and I is a karaoke junkies too. Pity me since I have no musical talent at all. The only instrument I master was “suling” back in elementary school. Maybe I should date musician to make a sweet-tune of revenge. Hello, John Legend?

6. The hosts of Discovery Travel & Living
Anthony Bourdain, Samantha Brown, Ian Wright, Bobby Chinn…they get paid by doing something I crazy about. Traveling. Where can send my send my resume? Dear HR Manager, I would like to apply as one of those host’s assistant.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Places I Wish to Visit – Mr. Frapu version

“Dreamy” and “wish-upon-a-star” mode is on.
Start something with a dream. Eventually the universe will conspire and make it happen (if it’s a good cause). That’s what I always believe...

Remember Grumpy Grandpa Carl Fredericksen (Up) that made an oath for a dream journey to Paradise Falls in South America ... with his then adventurous beau, Ellie. He never made it with Ellie but somehow along the way life intertwines him an encounter trip and finally fulfills his lifelong dream of a great adventure. Perhaps it’s not the destination but the journey itself that made it an uplifting tapestry of wonderful exploration. In this case I wanna be Russel an overly optimistic, go-getter, can-do-enliven persona that always see a silver lining in each occassion. Ahhh ... feel like packin my stuff now.

1. Spain, Italy, UK, France, Turkey.

- Marvel all Gaudi creation, eat tapas and sangria in its native origin.
- Fountain ... plaza ... Roma ... O la dolce vita!! (and tracking down the Eat Pray Love .. Italian chapter will be nice)
- Picadilly Circus and Harrods ... taste the authentic fish and chips :p and sip the real earl grey. I wish I meet Viviene Westwood and Sir Paul Smith there and trackin down the vista of all Harry Potter movies ... wicked!!!
- Rive Gauche, Louvre, Collette shops, Galleries Lafayette, Nice, Cannes, Grasse, Bordeaux, o la la...

- Blue Mosque is a must

Fragile and pretty Sakura. Ancient shrines. Kimono. Roppongi Hills. Harajuku. Shibuya. Bullet train. Hayao Miyazaki studios. Hello Kitty and Sanrio theme park. I wanna get lost in The land of the rising sun.

Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangier. A close friend made a trip there and the story lingers forever in my mind...

4. Aman Resorts Spot
Especially the one in Bali, Jogjakarta, Moyo Island, Thailand, China, India, Bora-Bora .. (hope I am not asking too much).

Traveling on my mind – guided by Mis Mocca

A friend of mine make a list of the places she wishes to go. Couple years later she really visits the places on her list. Makes me thinking, is this what “The Secret” all about? Won’t hurt to try, though. Real life complicates us, why not escape from it for a while. Who knows maybe somehow, someway, the universe will work sometimes out, and bam! You’re rocking your new bikini on the “dugem” island of Ibiza.

Make your list, guys. Here's mine:

1. Yogyakarta
Shame! Shame! Shame! I’ve never been to Yogya for my whole friggin’ life! Believe it , guys. Somewhere between my year school I somehow slipped the study tour program. And yup! It means I’ve never been to Candi Borobudur either *gasp. I want to do it on a road trip, sightseeing, stopping at small cities. Kinda like the movie “3 hari untuk Selamanya” minus the canabis but surely won’t mind having Nicholas Saputra as travel companion.

2. New York! New York!
You’ve got Mail. That movie makes me wish to be born as New Yorker. I fell in love with Meg Ryan’s small but intimate bookstore whilst Tom Hank’s megastore transported me to The land of capuccino and Paulo Coelho. Have you heard Jay Z and Alicia Keys’ “Empire state of mind?” They’re like screaming my wish to take a bite of the big apple. The city lights at Times Square will definitely inspire me!

3. Marocco
One episode of “Rebel Billionaire” took place at exotic Marocco. I feell in love instantly. The colors of the city, the mint tea, the traditional market really drawn me. Mr. Frapu suggest me to marry a “sheikh” in order to experience a lavish life like on Marocco. Anybody know how to contact one? Please do not hesitate to share his number (oh please, if someone really have his number, why bother to give it someone else? *crap)

4. Hongkong

Who wouldn’t want to go there? Shopping spree, Disneyland, food, more food.
Plus I really want to be able having this conversation for real:
Me: “mau oleh-oleh nggak?”

Friend: “oleh2? Oleh2 dari Hongkong!”
Me: “embyyeeerrr!”

5. Beaches of Indonesia.
Raja Ampat, Pulau Derawan, Banda Naira…all the undisclosed beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Cool breeze, sunshine, the pure shores, an ocean of breathtaking sights… Promise myself to master swimming lesson so I could fully drowned into the beaches experience.

6. London

God save the queen. With all her great palaces and castles. Having high tea like the real Lady. I become obsessed with the whole “The Tudors” history ; Henry VIII, his six wives and his “white queen” grandmother, Elizabeth Woodvile. I really need to go back at the beginning.

7. Venice

The city of love! And girl just want to be loved. It would be lovely to get on gondola ride, while your love one serenade you with roses and sweet kisses. Perfecto! We’re girls. We’re happy endings junkie.

8. Austria
Wiener schnitzel. Apfelstrudel. The Sound of Music. Beautiful sight wrapped up in green pasture. Those are few of my favorite reasons to visit Austria.

9. Harry Potter Theme Park, Orlando

Mind blowing totally wicked! A muggle like me going into magical wizardy world…! Riding on Hippogriff, wand shopping, entering Hogwarts, hanging out at Hogsmeade, sipping Butterbeer… I wish they built the Quidditch area. Gosh, I need a portkey!