Kamis, 15 April 2010

Jealousy Me – by Mr. Frapu

If only everyday life consist of rainbow, wine and roses ... I would definetely singing (out of tune) in the rain... I do count my blessings tho but am only human since I feel so damn jealous for ‘em.

1. JK Rowling
Every living person in this planet seem hypnotized and mesmerized by Harry Potter .... It’s so simple yet twisted plot yet it’s centuries-old formula : evil vs good ... plus borrow from the old myth and saga. I wish I could posses this “re-package the tales and retelling the stories” like a brand new stuff ... like she did.
(PS : True, there’s nothing new under the sun. All we have to do is “steal” from the past)

2. Amy Tan
Amy takes her readers in memory lane that intertwines with cultural clash, dream land, big hope, despair, lost love, lust, prophecy and it stirs the emotional commotion. (PS : Your past = your strength...well it could be)

3. James Bond
This fictional character has 9 lives, living in the ultra fast lane, got licence to kill, drive the ultimate driving machine and crash like it’s only cost a penny, posses the top notch gadget, wine and dine (and make love) in the most unlikely spot on earth...and always beat the mad men. Hoorah... the world becomes the safe place again!! (PS : Do you think it’s hard to be a real hero in real life??)

4. The Photographers & Journalist (specially Conde Nast Traveler)
They are paid to visit and report the cool places on earth, sip the new cuisine, cruise the Carribean, dive and say hello to the shark, dolphin and touch The Great barrier reef. Same wish as Ms. Mocca. Do you guys need an apprentice? Count me in!! (PS : If you do what you like ... you never really work. Your work = your play)

5. International athletes
Be it soccer, tennis, basket ball, golf, F1 driver. Young, sexy, good looking, healthy, wealthy, endorse a cool stuff. I don’t need to list more. (PS : ayo atlit Indonesia ... jadi brand ambassadornya Tag Heuer)

6. Brand Owner

We are living in the material world. We are defined by what we consume every day. Ironic isn’t it? If only I’d become the mad, rich, mean man to rule the world, I would asbsolutely hostile take over all the world’s coveted brands. Ha ha ha!!! (PS : Dress to kill... Dress to thrill...tapi kalo setiap kali cape juga kaleee)

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