Kamis, 15 April 2010

You lucky bitch! By the envious Miss Mocca

Envy. We all committed to this one of deadly sin. The lucky bitches and bastards, the man who has everything. The people that has silver spoon since she was born (awas tersedak)…Why God why…life isn’t fair. Admit it. We all have a little “siti sirik” inside. Forgive me, reader, for I envy these people.

1. Giuliana Rancic
Glitsy-glamor career, come from nice-warm-affectionate Italian family, handsome hubby who happen to be one of Donald Trump’s apprentice. She and her hubby, Bill Rancic, make a great cosmopolitan couple. I’m not really envy her (yeah, right) I just wish to have Giuliana and Bill’s chemistry someday. With my other half who I hope to be the “KW 1” version of Bill Rancic.

2. Carla Bruni

How many girls who dream to be a supermodel and date bonafide rockstars? Too many to cout, I guess. But how many girls who got tired being a supermodel and date bonafide rockstars so she decide to go raising the bar by marrying a PRESIDENT! Only one, I bet. And that high-achiever girl is Carla Bruni. Tres bien, Madame president!

3. People who has good relationship with their fathers

I’m not really that close with my old man so I sometimes envy those lucky ones who bound really tight with their father. If you happen to be the lucky ones, this is one the blessing worth to count.

4. The ones who taken away all the best guys
Specially when they’re still young and fabolous! I’ve could named names but I decided it was a waste of time to write their names. Eww!

5. The musicians

I enjoy music. Me, myself and I is a karaoke junkies too. Pity me since I have no musical talent at all. The only instrument I master was “suling” back in elementary school. Maybe I should date musician to make a sweet-tune of revenge. Hello, John Legend?

6. The hosts of Discovery Travel & Living
Anthony Bourdain, Samantha Brown, Ian Wright, Bobby Chinn…they get paid by doing something I crazy about. Traveling. Where can send my send my resume? Dear HR Manager, I would like to apply as one of those host’s assistant.

3 komentar:

  1. definitely time machine...

    bisa kembali ke masa lalu... ketemu pacar pertama...
    atau ke jaman prasejarah sekalian...

    jadi inget back to the future... bisa merubah sejarah sendiri huahahaaha

  2. ayu, thnks commetnya. tapi kenapa jauh bgt posting di topik "envy" bukan di topik "invention". eniweiii

  3. 1). who cares 2). bravo 3). I think I am the lucky one 4). mmm not really 5). & 6). so envy
