Selasa, 06 April 2010

Traveling on my mind – guided by Mis Mocca

A friend of mine make a list of the places she wishes to go. Couple years later she really visits the places on her list. Makes me thinking, is this what “The Secret” all about? Won’t hurt to try, though. Real life complicates us, why not escape from it for a while. Who knows maybe somehow, someway, the universe will work sometimes out, and bam! You’re rocking your new bikini on the “dugem” island of Ibiza.

Make your list, guys. Here's mine:

1. Yogyakarta
Shame! Shame! Shame! I’ve never been to Yogya for my whole friggin’ life! Believe it , guys. Somewhere between my year school I somehow slipped the study tour program. And yup! It means I’ve never been to Candi Borobudur either *gasp. I want to do it on a road trip, sightseeing, stopping at small cities. Kinda like the movie “3 hari untuk Selamanya” minus the canabis but surely won’t mind having Nicholas Saputra as travel companion.

2. New York! New York!
You’ve got Mail. That movie makes me wish to be born as New Yorker. I fell in love with Meg Ryan’s small but intimate bookstore whilst Tom Hank’s megastore transported me to The land of capuccino and Paulo Coelho. Have you heard Jay Z and Alicia Keys’ “Empire state of mind?” They’re like screaming my wish to take a bite of the big apple. The city lights at Times Square will definitely inspire me!

3. Marocco
One episode of “Rebel Billionaire” took place at exotic Marocco. I feell in love instantly. The colors of the city, the mint tea, the traditional market really drawn me. Mr. Frapu suggest me to marry a “sheikh” in order to experience a lavish life like on Marocco. Anybody know how to contact one? Please do not hesitate to share his number (oh please, if someone really have his number, why bother to give it someone else? *crap)

4. Hongkong

Who wouldn’t want to go there? Shopping spree, Disneyland, food, more food.
Plus I really want to be able having this conversation for real:
Me: “mau oleh-oleh nggak?”

Friend: “oleh2? Oleh2 dari Hongkong!”
Me: “embyyeeerrr!”

5. Beaches of Indonesia.
Raja Ampat, Pulau Derawan, Banda Naira…all the undisclosed beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Cool breeze, sunshine, the pure shores, an ocean of breathtaking sights… Promise myself to master swimming lesson so I could fully drowned into the beaches experience.

6. London

God save the queen. With all her great palaces and castles. Having high tea like the real Lady. I become obsessed with the whole “The Tudors” history ; Henry VIII, his six wives and his “white queen” grandmother, Elizabeth Woodvile. I really need to go back at the beginning.

7. Venice

The city of love! And girl just want to be loved. It would be lovely to get on gondola ride, while your love one serenade you with roses and sweet kisses. Perfecto! We’re girls. We’re happy endings junkie.

8. Austria
Wiener schnitzel. Apfelstrudel. The Sound of Music. Beautiful sight wrapped up in green pasture. Those are few of my favorite reasons to visit Austria.

9. Harry Potter Theme Park, Orlando

Mind blowing totally wicked! A muggle like me going into magical wizardy world…! Riding on Hippogriff, wand shopping, entering Hogwarts, hanging out at Hogsmeade, sipping Butterbeer… I wish they built the Quidditch area. Gosh, I need a portkey!

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