Kamis, 29 April 2010

Things I Wish To Invent – by Professor Frapu

I ain’t no gadget freak but always marvel how invention and technology change the society and its civilization. It’s only a matter of time perhaps that these devices would be soon available and become the most wanted item in your list.

1. Time Machine
Take me everywhere ... whenever, whatever I want. Pause the good moment, skip the bad year and rewind the great times. Missin’ your puppy love? Set the date, month and year…boom! It takes you there! Wanna feel rich? Go to your annual bonus session. Feel like makin love… ehhmmmm ... up to your lust and fantasy, then.
For those moments you want to kick back, take a load off and find your own happy place...this stuff will help you find that space to chill.

2. Audio Video vending machine

Forget iTunes store! This audio video vending machine is available at the most convenient area, easily reachable and we instantly can buy our fave tunes or video – keep it in the iPod look-a-like stuff but if course it has billions gigabytes and crystal clear not-too-small screen.

3. Portable – Foldable Car
If you want something out of the ordinary, a bit different and a bit leftfield, this “gizmos” is for you. Imagine ... finding a parking spot in your fave mall during noon weekend is a hard job. Wouldn’t it be wonderful and marvelous creation if one day we could easily take our car ala Longchamp (fold and carry) bags :p

4. Cocktail in a sachet
You need a boost and no time to strike a bar ... thanks to cocktail in a sachet ... all your “tipsy-passport-to-trance-land” is available in a sachet!! Practical, economical and yessss the flavor is just exactly the same as the original bartender blend !!

5. Washing + Ironing Machine
It saves your time. A machine that can wash your clothes, drying it and yesss ironing it! Bye bye exhausting domestic chores!

1 komentar:

  1. "Aku mau time machine dan yg pertama aku kunjungi adalah Paris th 50an (must be very chique) terus ke Washington th 60an (mau ketemu Jacky O) lalu London juga th 60-70an (ketemu Mary Quant) lalu ke Hollywood th 30an (ketemu Greta Garbo, Jayne Mansfield dkk) juga Shanghai th 20an untuk coba ketemu Suzie Wong ...

